Seitan quick and tasty with everything bagel seasoning

 How to make quick Seitan

1/4 Cup Vital Wheat Gluten 

2 Leval TBSP all-purpose flour

2 heaping TBSP everything bagel seasoning


Frying oil (I use coconut oil)


I mix the dry ingredients together and fork or whisk them so they are well combined

I then slowly add water while mixing with a fork till the mass comes together but is not to wet. 

I then hand kneed to make sure it is fully mixed.

I heat my oil 

you can rip off pieces and add them or hand smash the dough ball and cut pieces 

I fry flipping over the pieces as I go till both sides are crispy

pull and drain then eat

Alternative: don't add everything bagel seasoning into the mix. instead, roll the pieces in the seasoning before frying.


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