Cooking with Strawberry Chicken soup & Broth Powder (4)

Today on cooking with Strawberry Chicken soup, start with diced left over rotisserie chicken about 2 cups, add to it left over celery about 1/2 cup after cut up, 5 to 6 oz of mushrooms sliced, boil with enough water to have the items move freely, add 2 tbls. spoons of broth powder, cook for a half house add 6 more cups of water bring back to boil add a half of a bag of egg noodles.
Broth Powder
Ingredients 2 T celery seed, 4 T dried parsley flakes, 2 T garlic powder, 1 T ground sage, 1 T Oregano, 4 T Spike the red box or jar (they have it in Walmart or a health food store or on Amazon (, 3 tsp dried marjoram, 3 tsp dried thyme,1 tsp white pepper,1 tsp turmeric

Store in are tight jar


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