
Showing posts from February, 2020

Roman Spring. Feast 2/20/20

Roman Spring. Feast Floralia  celebrated the goddess Flora, and took place on 27 April during the Republican era, or April 28 on the Julian calendar. inspired by  Apicius: a Roman cookbook circa 400 AD, J. Vehling, (trans.)) Much to my dismay we lost Jonathan a dear friend who had a flair for the dramatic that included stories. It was captivating to hear the crazy shit that happened to him and how he dealt with it. We miss him This however meant we needed a feast steward. Fintan and I had promised that we would be Jonathan's hands for Crystal Chamfron's Feast., and should he not be able to full-fill his duties we would. In loosing Jonathan before he had recipes, and the fact that Fintan's job must come first this means I am head steward and he is my 1st officer. Despite being a persona of early Tudor time I love the ancient worlds and Bronze age as well. As such I have decided to go with a Spring Country Celebration Feast. My idea is that in a vineyard spring is a ...